Nothing makes the NewTechKids team happier than showing the world what our students invent during our classes. This week, our classes for primary school students focused on space exploration, largely because the topic really ignites the imagination of kids. Plus, there's tons of great multimedia content to excite them: movies, video games, books, etc. We kept our class challenges pretty broad and provided a scenario that like Matt Damon in 'The Martian' movie, they have

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NewTechKids is honoured to have been chosen to develop the agenda for the Erasmus+ sponsored program welcoming 50 Danish high school students to the Netherlands in early October. These students are studying business and retail at EUC Nordvest, a school which provides innovative vocational education in northern Denmark. During the 'Destination Amsterdam' visit, students (ages 16, 17 and 18) from EUC Nordvest, will learn how Dutch innovation and entrepreneurship, sustainability and culture are re-shaping the

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This week, NewTechKids had a dream gig: taking over two classes of primary school students in grades 7 and 8 at the Montessori Kind Centrum Zeeburgereiland for three days and teaching a project-based, computer science bootcamp. We were participating as a member of the Mokum Maakcoalitie, a network of organizations in Amsterdam dedicated to Maker education, which is coordinated by Maakplaats021 and the Amsterdam Public Library. NewTechKids and five other organizations took over teaching responsibilities from the

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NewTechKids is pleased to be partnering with PreparationTech to help recruit tech companies in Amsterdam to offer three to five day internships for high school students at Ignatius Gymnasium in Amsterdam. The internships, for students ages 15-17 (groups 4 and 5), will take place in early May. Internships can be at technology companies or organizations whose primary focus is something else but rely on technology to produce, communicate, deliver content and serve customers. Focus areas

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Playing to boys' interests starts early, sadly often in coding and computer science classes at the primary school level. The temptation is to focus on diving into the ultra-geeky, more masculine activities to showcase all of the cool stuff you can do with tech. Race car robots. Monster robots. Space warrior robots. Etcetera. But that's exactly when teachers make the biggest mistakes in terms of excluding many girls who are yet to discover the magic

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NewTechKids is featured in a recently-published guide to teaching students about the ethics of technology. The book, "Ethics in A Digital World: Guiding Students Through Society's Biggest Questions", was written by Kristen Mattson and published by the International Society for Technology in Education (ISTE). We contributed a case study describing how we integrate critical thinking about technology in our curriclulum. Specifically, we co-developed a six-lesson curriculum module for students ages 8-12 called "Thinking about the

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This week, NewTechKids started a new 'Problem-Solving with Computer Science & Programming' at a primary school in Amsterdam. Our first lesson: how technology helps us automate tasks so we can free up our time for other things. We discussed 'smart' household devices, what tasks they automate and how to design one. Then we challenged kids to design, build and program a robot to automate a specific task. What a difference props make! We provided a

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NewTechKids is proud to support PreparationTech in promoting its Black History Month 2021 video interview series featuring Black role models doing impactful things in and with technology. During the month of February 2021, PreparationTech will publish daily video interviews which celebrate inspiring Black people, including: Arlan Hamilton, who while homeless, founded a venture capital firm which finances tech companies run by Black people, people of colour, women and members of the LGBTQ community Ackeem Ngwenya,

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Like computer science and programming, math is a polarizing subject. People either like it or they don't. At least that's what most people think. Thankfully, people like Dr. Jo Boaler, a professor of Mathematics Education at Stanford University, is busy challenging kids and teachers who don't like math to view it differently. Jo and her team at YouCubed, a non-profit startup, are busy transforming math education by developing new math teaching methods, lessons and teaching resources

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"I personally hate to code. I understand how beneficial it is but to me, if engineering was projected as coding and robotics, it wouldn't be something that suits me." In this PreparationTech interview produced by NewTechKids, Danielle Geathers, a third-year Engineering student at Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) and the first black, female President of the Undergraduate Association at MIT (student government) in 159 years, advises parents, teachers and school counsellors to focus on teaching

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