NewTechKids is returning to Wereldwijs primary school in Amsterdam southeast for the third year in a row. We'll be teaching digital literacy programs to all classes in the entire school over the 2024-2025 school year. We'll be teaching an 'Intro to Technology and Responsible Usage' to the youngest students which covers topics such as online safety, responsible usage, being creative with tech (not only passive consumption) and coding. Our teaching team is testing the limits

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This summer, don't allow your kids to only spend their time watching TikTok videos and WhatsApping their friends. Get them expressing themselves, creating digital content, and developing important critical thinking and technical skills in the process! NewTechKids has compiled this list of creativity-focused activities to give your child's screen time a more active element. At the end of the summer, they will have a nice digital content porfolio and new skills. All of the creativity

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Encouraging kids to participate in challenges and competitions is an important part of tech innovation education. Code Games is an initiative whereby kids ages 10-18 around the world are invited to enter a global competition to design and develop original video games. The competition is organized into two age divisions: a Junior Division for entrants ages 10-13 and a Senior Division for entrants ages 14-18. Entries in the Junior Division are not in competition with

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Yesterday, NewTechKids hosted its 'Kids and Gaming' seminar for parents, caregivers and teachers in Amsterdam. Attendees came together to explore the topic and stretch their thinking by hearing from professionals including game designers and parents as well as a psychologist, family counsellor, teacher and former gaming addict. Here are the key takeaways in terms of tips and advice: Deborah Carter, NewTechKids Deborah's main message was that gaming shouldn't be viewed in the context of 'good'

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Emiel Kampen, an independent game designer and teacher at the Utrecht University of the Arts (HKU) will speak at NewTechKids' upcoming 'Kids and Gaming' seminar for parents, caretakers and teachers on Sunday, November 24 at the Amsterdam Public Library. Register here. He thinks Fortnite is so popular because it offers a wide variety of activities, including social connection, competition and challenge. It's important that parents, caregivers and teachers understand the implications of children's technology usage.

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Register here When it comes to guiding and managing children's online gaming activities, there's no definitive guidelines or rules. Often, parents, caretakers and teachers end up winging it. NewTechKids' team believes that the time has come for adults to proactively develop a game plan, especially because of the growing popularity of gaming and the rise in unhealthy gaming and gaming addiction. To this end, we've organized a seminar for parents, caregivers and teachers on 'Kids

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Read more and register. In mid-August, the Guardian newspaper published an article about the Yes We Can Youth Clinics in the Netherlands which helps UK teenagers deal with their gaming addiction. That's when parents started calling NewTechKids to ask questions about healthy vs. unhealthy gaming and how to tell if their children (boys AND girls) are addicted to gaming. In response, we are organizing a seminar for parents under the theme "Kids and Gaming: guiding and

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