NewTechKids has taught thousands of primary school aged children about computer science, coding, robotics, design and critical thinking about technology. What we've found is that while enrolling kids in computer science programs is a great first step, it's only one of the factors which influence the likelihood that kids will choose a tech-related study, training or career path down the line. In order to imprint the importance of tech and reinforce the desire to master

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NewTechKids has taught tech education and computer science classes for more than nine years and we've taught kids from all types of backgrounds with differing exposure to tech. Based on our observations, there are some key factors which increase the likelihood that kids will take an interest in tech beyond just using it and actually want to invent, create, make, experiment and prototype with it. These factors considerably increase the likelihood that they will choose

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Many kids dream of becoming a famous tech innovator. But how does this happen? PreparationTech, one of our strategic partners which showcases study, training and career paths which involve technology, has published a video interview with Dr. Sam Mazin, an entrepreneur who has invented game-changing technology to fight cancer. During the video interview, he explains the technology he developed which combines seeing and treating cancer and outlines the steps he took to get to Silicon

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NewTechKids is proud to support PreparationTech in promoting its Black History Month 2021 video interview series featuring Black role models doing impactful things in and with technology. During the month of February 2021, PreparationTech will publish daily video interviews which celebrate inspiring Black people, including: Arlan Hamilton, who while homeless, founded a venture capital firm which finances tech companies run by Black people, people of colour, women and members of the LGBTQ community Ackeem Ngwenya,

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Preparation is Power! Especially for parents and caregivers, teachers and school guidance counselors helping guide kids in their study and career paths. NewTechKids is pleased to announce that we are supporting PreparationTech, a new online video platform which explores how technology is transforming study, training and work in every industry, field and discipline. (Deborah Carter, our founder, is the Managing Director of this non-profit foundation.) It showcases the personal stories of a diverse and inclusive group

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How do you prepare kids and adults for our world of constant and rapid technological innovation? What education, training and exposure to technology do they need to survive and thrive? Deborah Carter, NewTechKids' Founder, will be moderating a panel discussion on this topic during the Women in Tech Regatta Amsterdam virtual event on December 9, 2020. The panel will explore the many different ways that kids can learn about technology, from formal schooling to storytelling,

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"I personally hate to code. I understand how beneficial it is but to me, if engineering was projected as coding and robotics, it wouldn't be something that suits me." In this PreparationTech interview produced by NewTechKids, Danielle Geathers, a third-year Engineering student at Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) and the first black, female President of the Undergraduate Association at MIT (student government) in 159 years, advises parents, teachers and school counsellors to focus on teaching

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Parents, teachers, school counsellors: technologists don't need computer science degrees. They can be self-taught. Some programmers, data scientists, AI and machine learning experts, especially those who don't have access to formal college and university programs, have taught themselves using free online resources, online courses and project-based learning. In this PreparationTech interview, Deborah Carter, NewTechKids' Founder and MD, interviews Babusi Nyoni, an African design strategist and innovator who is entirely self-taught. After graduating from high school

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Parents, teachers, school counsellors: do you know a kid who is obsessed with electronics, tinkering and making things? Engineering and inventing tech is a great study path and career opportunity for her or him. In this PreparationTech interview, Deborah Carter, NewTechKids' Founder and MD, interviews Isaac Sesi, a young Ghanaian man who was named by Massachusetts Institute of Technology as one of the top 35 innovators under the age of 35 in 2019. Isaac talks about

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Parents, teachers, school counsellors: do you know a kid who is fascinated by inventions, inventors and technology? In this PreparationTech interview, Deborah Carter, NewTechKids' Founder and MD, interviews Natalie Raffoul, Managing Partner at Brion Raffoul and one of the top Intellectual Property (IP) and patent lawyers in Canada. "I'm Managing Partner of a law practice called Brion Raffoul. We have a group of really great professionals here with technical backgrounds who advise innovative companies on

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