NewTechKids is pleased to continue its collaboration with the Amsterdam Public Library's Maakplaat 021 initiative to bring a combination of computer science, programming and digital fabrication (3D printing, laser cutting, etc.) education to kids. Next week, we'll be hosting a special Fall School Holiday (Herftsvakantie) camp from October 21-25 at the Library. The camp will be taught in a combination of Dutch and English and runs everyday from 10:00 - 16:00. Kids ages 8-12 will

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Een oproep aan alle baanbrekende docenten! Wil jij deel uitmaken van een groep leraren op (Nederlands en internationale) basisscholen die als eersten in Nederland lessen over computerwetenschappen en ‘computational thinking’ geven? Lees dan snel verder, want Stichting NewTechKids (stichting partner van NewTechKids) biedt een selecte groep docenten de zeldzame kans om GRATIS een trainingsprogramma, ter waarde van ruim 2.000 Euro, te volgen. Het programma is speciaal ontwikkeld voor docenten met weinig of geen ervaring op

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NewTechKids is excited to announce our first collaboration with Maakplaats 021, the Amsterdam Municipal Library's maker space initiative: a 10-week computer science bootcamp for kids ages 8-12 which will take place in the Maakplaats 021 Reigersbos location in Amsterdam Southeast. Set to begin in January 2018, the bootcamp will be for kids ages 8-12 and provide an introduction to computer science, programming and computational thinking. Our partnership with the Library is strategic and we'll use

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With artificial intelligence (AI) all around us, NewTechKids decided to teach a special AI bootcamp during last week’s Fall school vacation in Amsterdam. Our goal: to kids what AI is, the thinking behind it, how it’s being used in everything from self-driving cars to customer service and Siri, Apple’s ‘intelligent’ personal assistant, and the pros and cons of this technology. Developed by Stichting NewTechKids and sponsored by Openbare Bibliotheek Amsterdam (Amsterdam Municipal Library), the course

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NewTechKids is proud to be collaborating with Openbare Bibliotheek Amsterdam (the Amsterdam Municipal Library) to give workshops during Uitmarkt 2016. We'll be giving our 'intro to coding' workshops during the Uitmarkt in Amsterdam this weekend which takes place on Museumplain. Kids will design a robot head out of a cardboard box and then learn how to 'code' themselves. In the process, they'll learn about coding, algorithms and automation. On Saturday, August 27 and Sunday, August 28th from 12:00 - 17:00, kids ages 5-12 are

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Wil je leerlingen wegwijs maken in de wereld van coderen, algoritmes en commando’s? Leer het in deze workshop. Daag leerlingen uit om laptops uit elkaar weer in elkaar zitten. Verander ze in robots, of stuur ze op een te gekke speurtocht over hoe computers data en informatie verwerken. Inhoud van de training De onderwerpen die aan bod komen zijn onder andere coderen, basiskennis informatie algoritmisch en berekenend denken, hardware- en systeemdenken. Maar ook informaticapedagogiek, onderwijsmethoden

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