NewTechKids has been invited by MOCCA to host two teacher training sessions during its Cultural Education Conference on April 6th at the Meervaart Theatre in Amsterdam. The conference is part of MOCCA's 2016 Month of Cultural Education. MOCCA is an Amsterdam organization which advises schools and cultural institutions in the design and implementation of cultural education. During the sessions, NewTechKids will train primary school teachers to give one of its lessons which combines technology and computer science education with

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On Monday, February 8th, NewTechKids co-hosted a brainstorm session with Amsterdam's new Ripley's Believe It or Not Museum. Still under construction, the museum provided the ideal blank slate for re-imagining how primary school students engage with museum content. Participants developed ideas on how to develop school programs for museums which leverage technology to create engaging experiences. The goal was to develop ideas for experiences which encourage students (8-12 years) to discover new information, think critically, and

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Today was a historic day for computer science education and a huge validation for NewTechKids. President Obama announced the 'Computer Science for All' initiative which will bring computer science education to all students in America, beginning in primary school. President Obama is calling for US$4 billion to be allocated in the 2017 budget to Congress to significantly increase the teaching of computer science, namely by developing teaching materials, providing teacher training and building effective regional

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Join Deborah Carter, NewTechKids' Co-founder, and Kitty Leering, one of NewTechKids' advisors, for a discussion of two important books: Carol Dweck's "Mindset: The New Psychology of Success" and Aldous Huxley's "Brave New World". Deborah will discuss the power of one's mindset, especially if it's a growth mindset. She'll discuss mindset in the context of NewTechKids technology education programs for primary school children and teacher training programs. The event is free. We'd love to hear your ideas

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NewTechKids is happy to be featured in the January edition of PrimaOnderwijs, one of the Netherlands's leading magazines on education trends servicing school directors and teachers. The feature article focuses on our teacher training programs and how we prepare teachers to teach computer science, programming and technological literacy in the context of 21st century skills development: problem-solving, critical thinking, collaboration, creativity and communication. The article outlines NewTechKids' pedagogy, teaching approaches, classroom management strategies and our use

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Dimitris Stafylarakis Joins NewTechKids as an Advisor We are pleased as punch to announce that Dimitris Stafylarakis has joined NewTechKids' team of advisors. Read his bio. Dimitris is a DevOps Engineer at Quby, an Amsterdam-based company focused on smart home energy management. He is collaborating with NewTechKids to help us identify key concepts to integrate into our curricula and lessons as well best practices in the technology industry which can be translated into learning experience for children. He has

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Starting today, 75 primary school teachers in Amsterdam and Delft will teach NewTechKids ‘intro to coding’ lesson to their students as part of EU Code Week celebrations (October 10-18). The teachers participated in NewTechKids’ special training sessions which took place between 10-17 September. During the sessions, NewTechKids shared its pedagogy and teaching approaches and trained teachers to give the lesson while adjusting it to their teaching style. NewTechKids partnered with TomTom, the global technology company founded in the

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Teachers in Amsterdam and Delft will give coding lessons to 2000 students Amsterdam, September 29, 2015 -- NewTechKids, an academy in Amsterdam which teaches kids (ages 4-12) about technology, programming and computer science, today announced that 75 primary school teachers in Amsterdam and Delft are teaching its ‘intro to coding’ lesson to their students during EU Code Week (October 10-18). The teachers participated in NewTechKids’ special training sessions which took place between 10-17 September. During

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Parents are often shocked when we tell them that during our programs, we teach core technology, programming and computer science concepts through pen and paper exercises, role-play games, and design and prototyping activities using simple materials such as cardboard boxes and blocks. Others wonder why, in an era of computers and gadgets, apps and programming languages made especially for kids, we teach many no tech lessons. We’ve developed our pedagogy and teaching approaches based on the

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NewTechKids is happy to announce an academic research partnership with Leiden University. Under the partnership, NewTechKids' programs will become a platform where quality control research will be conducted on our pedagogy, teaching approaches, curricula and lesson plans. Tessa Slim, a Master's of Education student at the University, will conduct the research to assess whether NewTechKids' technology, programming and computer science programs for primary school aged children help kids improve their higher order thinking and problem-solving

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