The times, they are a' changing. Technology is literally transforming every study and career path. So there is no better time than now to start inspiring high school students by exposing them to the myriad of fields and industries they can work in when they have technology and digital media skills. This week, more than 20 students from Ignatius Gymnasium in Amsterdam started internships with technology companies and organizations in Amsterdam and Hilversum which are

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NewTechKids is proud to officially launch Mokum Maakcoalitie activities along with our partners: the Amsterdam Public Library/Maakplaats021, de Waag, Pakhuis de Zwijger, Hogeschool van Amsterdam. NEMO Science Museum, Cinekid, The Beach, Designathon Works, Lekkersamenklooien, Cultura Nederland, Next Nature Network en de W&T kennismakelaars (Science & Technology knowledge brokers) from the City of Amsterdam. Our joint mission is to accelerate the spread of Maker education in the City of Amsterdam through in-school and extracurricular activities for

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NewTechKids has wrapped up our computer science and robotics bootcamp for high-potential teens from Amsterdam southeast, a low-income, largely immigrant community. According to one of our teachers, it was "one of the best classes" he's taught over his seven year career at NewTechKids. The magic ingredient? The kids themselves. Every Sunday, these kids rode the subway for 25 minutes to the Library, often accompanied by their parents and group mentor. Many came early and they

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NewTechKids is teaching another cohort of 'Rising Technologists', kids from low-income communities in Amsterdam who have the potential to pursue study and career paths related to technology if they are given exposure and access to technology education. The odds are stacked against them but we have confidence that they will overcome the conditions they face in Amsterdam: Highest number of single parent households Highest number of households which earn less than welfare-level income 10-year old

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We often tell our students that technology, whether devices or software, wasn't invented in a day. The phone, TV or gaming console that they use was developed over years by multiple people and is still being improved upon now. All invention processes start with protototyping. Inventors create a quick and dirty object and then test and refine it. There's often a lot of failure involved and inventors need to develop resilience to keep trying and

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NewTechKids is teaching a 10-week bootcamp in partnership with Dynamo Amsterdam and the Amsterdam Public Library. Dynamo organizes activities for children in different neighbourhoods through its Talententent program. The bootcamp for kids ages 8-12 is being held at the Library's Ijburg branch. Kids are inventing a series of robots and tech prototypes based on popular children's books and films. So far, they've designed robot snails based on the "Turbo" film and chocolate factory robots based

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NewTechKids is pleased to be partnering with PreparationTech to help recruit tech companies in Amsterdam to offer three to five day internships for high school students at Ignatius Gymnasium in Amsterdam. The internships, for students ages 15-17 (groups 4 and 5), will take place in early May. Internships can be at technology companies or organizations whose primary focus is something else but rely on technology to produce, communicate, deliver content and serve customers. Focus areas

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The best, most future-proof skill that parents, caregivers and teachers can impart to kids is "learning how to learn" and mastering different ways of learning. As such, NewTechKids is organizing 'Try It Out' workshops on Saturday, January 15th and Sunday, January 16th for kids ages 8-12 at the Amsterdam Public Library. The workshops will take place each day from 13:00 - 14:30 and 15:00 - 16:30. Spaces are limited. Register here. During these workshops, we'll

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At NewTechKids, we are taking the COVID pandemic very seriously and have therefore decided to adjust our teaching conditions. As we have received some questions from a few parents, we would like to clarify the reasoning behind our choices. We teach in large, well-ventilated rooms. We have used an AI program to generate a socially-distanced floor plan for tables and chairs. Often, we take kids’ temperatures when they enter our classes and ask kids to

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The School of Humanity is organizing another 'Jobs of the Future' online bootcamp for kids ages 14-18 on Wednesday, December 15th from 14:00 - 15:30 CET. Register here. *** Last weekend, NewTechKids' Founder Deborah Carter observed an online bootcamp for high school students ages 14-18 organized by the School of Humanity. During the session, teens from around the world explored the theme of 'The Jobs of the Future'. The School of Humanity is an exciting startup

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