With every second news headline mentioning AI, ChatGPT, etc., NewTechKids has decided to launch our first ‘Intro to Generative AI’ after-school bootcamp for kids ages 9-14. The bootcamp of four weekly sessions will take place on Thursday afternoons from 16:30 – 18:00 at the Amsterdam Public Library near Centraal Station, starting on June 29th.
Some schools have adopted a strict ‘no ChatGPT’ ban. Others are experimenting with restricted usage and creating new learning experiences which leverage generative AI’s strengths.
NewTechKids Teaching Goals
NewTechKids has decided to concentrate on the following:
– teaching kids how generative AI works by explaining key computer science concepts such as data, algorithms, prediction, pattern recognition, parameters and prompt engineering
– giving kids creative class challenges which encourage them to gain hands-on experience and knowledge of best practices on how to use AI image and text generators effectively and responsibly
– challenge kids to think critically about issues such as privacy, data, training models, ownership, bias and deepfakes
It is in our DNA to shift kids from being passive tech users to active tech innovators. Kids who attend our bootcamp will benefit from guidance, structure and deep thinking about AI generators pros, cons, implications and ethics.
NewTechKids Learning Approach
Generative AI will come alive through a creative project which kids working in pairs will complete over the course of the four week bootcamp. Kids will present their projects during the last class.
Where possible, we will use child-friendly AI platforms and AI platforms adapted for our usage. Kids will generate art and text under our strict supervision.
Space is limited. Register here for the bootcamp.