NewTechKids is returning to Wereldwijs primary school in Amsterdam southeast for the third year in a row. We'll be teaching digital literacy programs to all classes in the entire school over the 2024-2025 school year. We'll be teaching an 'Intro to Technology and Responsible Usage' to the youngest students which covers topics such as online safety, responsible usage, being creative with tech (not only passive consumption) and coding. Our teaching team is testing the limits

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With every second news headline mentioning AI, ChatGPT, etc., NewTechKids has decided to launch our first 'Intro to Generative AI' after-school bootcamp for kids ages 9-14. The bootcamp of four weekly sessions will take place on Thursday afternoons from 16:30 - 18:00 at the Amsterdam Public Library near Centraal Station, starting on June 29th. Some schools have adopted a strict 'no ChatGPT' ban. Others are experimenting with restricted usage and creating new learning experiences which

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NewTechKids ended up making some important last-minute changes to our digital literacy programs for primary school students at Wereldwijs Primary School in Amsterdam Southeast. Why? The explosion of generative AI. In their article "Teaching Digital Literacy is a 21st Century Imperative & This is Why", Miah Daughtery and Laura B. Hansen write "In classrooms, digital literacy enables students to access information in new ways and then communicate what has been learned with others, giving students

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Yesterday, NewTechKids kicked off a very exciting project: teaching digital literacy to all 475 students at the Wereldwijs Primary School in Amsterdam southeast. We'll be teaching students in groups 1 - 8. Older students will be taught in a combination of Dutch and English since the language of technology is English. Wereldwijs has been designated an 'Excellent School 2022-2025' for primary education by the Dutch Ministry of Education in 2019 and 2022. Led by a

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NewTechKids is collaborating with Metis Montessori Lyceum, a high school in Amsterdam, to plan a student trip to Silicon Valley in February 2023. Thirty-five students in Metis' Coderklas will be visiting Big Tech companies as well as companies in different industries which are being transformed by technology. Students will visit Google, NASA, Blue River Technology and other organizations where they will meet leaders and technologists. This is another great way in which students can learn

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The times, they are a' changing. Technology is literally transforming every study and career path. So there is no better time than now to start inspiring high school students by exposing them to the myriad of fields and industries they can work in when they have technology and digital media skills. This week, more than 20 students from Ignatius Gymnasium in Amsterdam started internships with technology companies and organizations in Amsterdam and Hilversum which are

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NewTechKids is pleased to be partnering with PreparationTech to help recruit tech companies in Amsterdam to offer three to five day internships for high school students at Ignatius Gymnasium in Amsterdam. The internships, for students ages 15-17 (groups 4 and 5), will take place in early May. Internships can be at technology companies or organizations whose primary focus is something else but rely on technology to produce, communicate, deliver content and serve customers. Focus areas

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Deborah Carter, NewTechKids' Founder and Managing Director, will be MCing sessions at CogX, a global festival on AI & Transformational Technology taking place next week (June 14-16). A hybrid festival physically taking place in London and online, the Festival bills itself as "the world’s largest gathering of CEOs, Entrepreneurs, Academics, Artists, Activists & Policy Makers working to realise the biggest transformational opportunities of our time and address the challenges along the way".  Register for a free

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Today (Saturday, March 13th), NewTechKids will teach a FREE online workshop for kids ages 7-12. The workshop is one of the Youth Zone activities being offered during the Mozilla Foundation's MozFest 2021 online festival. The Festival encourages kids and adults to explore technology, Artificial Intelligence (AI) and ethics. Parents are expected to supervise their kids during our English-language workshop. Kids will become inventors in NewTechKids robot factory and who build and code robots. During the workshop, kids will

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Kinderen van 7-12 jaar en hun ouders worden uitgenodigd om deel te nemen aan een gratis online workshop (in het Nederlands) georganiseerd door NewTechKids als onderdeel van het jaarlijkse MozFest 2021. MozFest is het online festival dat wordt georganiseerd door de Mozilla Foundation en dat plaatsvindt van 8-19 maart. MozFest 2021 is gratis bij te wonen. Alle deelnemende kinderen moeten worden geregistreerd via een ouder of verzorger. Robot Inventor Workshops Op zaterdag 13 maart geeft

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