It’s hard to help kids understand what AI is, how it works, and how computer “intelligence” is far from perfect.

That’s why NewTechKids is devoting more time to developing an AI curriculum for older primary school students. We’re not only teaching them how the tech behind AI works, we’re also teaching them to think critically about the pros, cons and implications of tech. (Should AI companies pay artist if work is generated from an artist’s work? Should it be legally required to label AI?)

Late last year, we taught classes on how AI selects and generates art and then revises it to come up with multiple versions. Students “trained” the AI with their own art and then tested if a real AI art generator could use their art to create accurate depictions. The answer: sometimes yes, most of the time no.

The students’ main conclusion: AI can generate a lot of art fast. Humans take longer to create art but it is more original and has better quality.

A big thanks to Neural.Love, an AI art generation platorm which has given us a kid-friendly, private space on its AI art platform for our students to use.