NewTechKids has occasionally invited alumni of our programs and students who are taking computer science courses in local high schools to assist our teachers, especially when we teach large groups of students.

This summer, we are pleased to introduce a new summer internship program for three high school students from Amsterdam who will assist us during our six weeks of summer vacation bootcamps. These teens all have experience with the teaching tools we use and will provide our students with hands-on guidance in terms of designing, building and coding robots and prototypes.

We’re doing this for three main reasons:

  • High school students need work experience and the chance to develop their leadership and communication skills
  • High school students can be important role models in terms of encouraging primary school students to pursue technology education either through special programs such as Technasium or elective courses such as programming

One of the interns is female and two of our interns are kids of colour which also sends the message that technology education is inclusive.

The teens will all be compensated for their time which we hope will also teach them that their time and expertise is valuable.