Many kids dream of becoming a famous tech innovator. But how does this happen? PreparationTech, one of our strategic partners which showcases study, training and career paths which involve technology, has published a video interview with Dr. Sam Mazin, an entrepreneur who has invented game-changing technology to fight cancer. During the video interview, he explains the technology he developed which combines seeing and treating cancer and outlines the steps he took to get to Silicon

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On May 28th, Deborah Carter, NewTechKids' Founder, spoke at the SheSays Amsterdam event with the theme 'Inclusion Starts with I'. Here's a quick summary of her presentation and the key points raised during the roundtable discussion she facilitated: Many women work in the technology industry and in industries driven by technology.  Taken all together, our inclusion is powerful. Women are technologists such as computer scientists, data scientists, programmers, developers and engineers. They are also lawyers,

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Deborah Carter, NewTechKids' Co-founder and Business Director, will speak at the Women in Tech (WIT) Regatta event in Amsterdam on November 1st in Amsterdam. During the panel ''Launch It Broken, Fix It Live: Put the Life Vest On and Jump!', Deborah will share her experiences 'from the trenches' in launching NewTechKids and adapting the company's vision, mission and business strategy over the past four years. NewTechKids started as an after-school computer science academy but has

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