For the first time in our history, the bulk of our clients are primary schools! And this is a good thing. Schools are waking up to the fact that a good education which prepares kids for the future includes basic computer science (and computational thinking) and digital literacy to foster critical thinking skills about technology and its influence on our lives. NewTechKids is teaching tech programs during school hours and as after-school programs on site.
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It's hard to believe but we're 10 years old! From our scrappy beginnings in Fall 2014 teaching in a co-working space, we've taught thousands of primary, middle and high school kids in Amsterdam, other Dutch cities and in places like Dubai and Switzerland about computer science and digital literacy. We've also trained hundreds of primary school teachers on how to introduce technology education in their classrooms. Our very first students are now finishing high school
Read moreThis past week, NewTechKids taught a class about interactivity. Students created interactive systems using the Makey Makey learning tool. This meant that the students had Internet access and had to navigate to Makey Makey's Web site to access the coding apps. Unfortunately, one student figured out a way to play games without coding the Makey Makey microcomputer. We observed a physical shift in him during which he went from being immersed in the Makey Makey
Read moreDo you know of any schools or after-school clubs in the Amsterdam area looking to integrate technology lessons during the 2024-2025 school year? If so, NewTechKids has time slots open for Fall 2024. NewTechKids is expanding the number of classes it teaches in Amsterdam during the 2024-2025 school year. Our teaching team is available to teach during school hours (our preference) or after school. We can teach children ages 4-12 in Dutch, English or a
Read moreNext week, NewTechKids will begin our second year of teaching digital literacy programs at Wereldwijs primary school in Amsterdam Southeast. We learned a lot from teaching all 650 students in groups 1-8 (ages 4-12 on average). We taught the youngest students in Dutch and the older students in a combination of Dutch and English. Here are some of our takeaways: Our youngest students are using apps which should not be legally available to them. Students
Read moreNewTechKids is featured in a recently-published guide to teaching students about the ethics of technology. The book, "Ethics in A Digital World: Guiding Students Through Society's Biggest Questions", was written by Kristen Mattson and published by the International Society for Technology in Education (ISTE). We contributed a case study describing how we integrate critical thinking about technology in our curriclulum. Specifically, we co-developed a six-lesson curriculum module for students ages 8-12 called "Thinking about the
Read moreLike computer science and programming, math is a polarizing subject. People either like it or they don't. At least that's what most people think. Thankfully, people like Dr. Jo Boaler, a professor of Mathematics Education at Stanford University, is busy challenging kids and teachers who don't like math to view it differently. Jo and her team at YouCubed, a non-profit startup, are busy transforming math education by developing new math teaching methods, lessons and teaching resources
Read moreNext month, NewTechKids will head to the United Arab Emirates to teach a week-long series of computer science workshops for primary school students. We'll be teaching kids ages 4-12 during the 2019 Sharjah Children's Reading Festival, an annual mega-event dedicated to learning, reading and discovery. Themes will include algorithms and algorithmic thinking, computer and programming logic, and rapid prototyping and best practises in the field of technology design. Students will come from a mix of
Read moreNewTechKids is pleased to announce that it is collaborating with Stedelijk Gymnasium Haarlem, a prestigious Dutch high school in the city of Haarlem, to offer a new programming and robotics course. We'll provide students with a general introduction to programming, technology systems and design in the broader context of automation. The course will combine deep analytical thinking about the implications of technology with hands on design and programming experience through a series of class challenges.
Read moreSuper happy to announce our newest NewTechKids advisor: Phil Rynearson (aka Mr. Phil). Phil is a technology teacher in Early Childhood Education at the American School of The Hague in the Netherlands. He gained valuable experience as a classroom teacher for 17 years before devoting the last eight years to supporting students and teachers in finding authentic and empowering methods of integrating technology into school settings. He has worked in public schools in the United States
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