NewTechKids is pleased to announce that it is collaborating with Stedelijk Gymnasium Haarlem, a prestigious Dutch high school in the city of Haarlem, to offer a new programming and robotics course.  We'll provide students with a general introduction to programming, technology systems and design in the broader context of automation. The course will combine deep analytical thinking about the implications of technology with hands on design and programming experience through a series of class challenges.

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There are few things as wonderful as impacting a child's interests and learning. Even in a small way. This week, NewTechKids received some great news. One of our very first students was accepted into the Metis Montessori Lyceum, the first high school in the Netherlands to offer an intensive programming stream for 12 year olds starting in Fall 2016. Students in this stream will receive five hours of schooling in programming, robotics, computers, game and

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