Deborah Carter, NewTechKids' Co-founder and Business Director, will speak at the Women in Tech (WIT) Regatta event in Amsterdam on November 1st in Amsterdam. During the panel ''Launch It Broken, Fix It Live: Put the Life Vest On and Jump!', Deborah will share her experiences 'from the trenches' in launching NewTechKids and adapting the company's vision, mission and business strategy over the past four years. NewTechKids started as an after-school computer science academy but has

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More attention is being given to the harmful effects of staring at device screens for prolonged periods of time. According to a recently-published article on the Popular Science Web site, researchers are connecting screen exposure to sleep disruption and eye problems. "Researchers have connected the high-energy visible light, which emanates from both the sun and your cell phone (and just about every other digital device in our hands and on our bedside tables), to disruptions

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NewTechKids will host a meeting in Amsterdam with a delegation of Estonian educators in early October. We'll be exchanging information on technology education (computer science, technological literacy and computational thinking) and discussing collaboration possibilities. Estonia has made major inroads in integrating computer science and programming into primary school curriculum. In 2012, it launched the ProgeTiger Programme which covers engineering sciences, design and technology, and information & communication technology (ICT). The Programme targets preschool, primary and

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Parents and teachers often ask us how to they can move kids beyond just using technology. They ask us what they can do to how to encourage kids to think about how technology works, the implications of technology on humans, and the computer science knowledge and skills they will need to become technologists. This summer, we've launched a feature via LinkedIn, Facebook and Twitter to help parents and teachers who don't have a background in

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This year, NewTechKids kicked off a series of computer science summer school programs with a program focused on teaching kids ages seven to 12 about systems thinking and technological systems. Technology systems are all around us: from the smart energy systems we use to cool our homes to the traffic lights we obey, the self check-out counters we use at grocery stores and the PS4 systems on which kids spend time playing. Yet, we take

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While many North Americans are familiar with the concept of 'summer school' for primary school students, it's a foreign concept for many Europeans. For many European, summer means no school: only vacation, relaxation, time with family, and recreational activities for children. We're not arguing for or against summer school. Different strokes for different folks. But we'd like to present it in the context of continuous learning and the computer science summer school programs we'll be

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Today in Amsterdam, NewTechKids taught computer science workshops to high school students from across the U.S. The students are in Amsterdam as part of EF Tours' Global Summit Tour, an event during which students are immersed in the topic ' The Influence of Technology on Society'. We chose the theme of automation as a way to explore ways in which technology is transforming the way we live, work and interact with each other and the

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NewTechKids is pleased to announce that we are continuing our collaboration with the American School of The Hague (ASH) to introduce computer science into the School's curriculum. During Fall 2018, we will be working closely with the School's primary education staff (IT Coordinator, Technology Integrationist and several classroom teachers) to develop a general framework for computer science education. This includes identifying important concepts to be taught, determining the order and learning format in which these

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NewTechKids is proud to announce that Education First (EF) Tours has chosen us as one of the educational partners for its 2018 Global Summit Tour to Amsterdam in July. NewTechKids will develop, organize and teach workshops for approximately 75 students and adults from around the world. Our workshops will highlight technology's influence on society and integrate technological literacy, computer science, and exercises based on designing, building and programming of technology prototypes. Deborah Carter, NewTechKids' Business

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NewTechKids works with a variety of primary schools to help them integrate computer science and technological literacy into their curriculum. While all of the schools are enthusiastic, each school is different in terms of understanding, commitment level and available resources. NewTechKids has prepared this list of suggested steps for primary schools which are interested in introducing computer science education. It's a big undertaking and success will eventually come down to recognising the need for this

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