NewTechKids is pleased to announce that it is again collaborating with EF Tours, as a programming partner for its summer Global Leadership Summit events in Europe. EF Tours is an international education company that specializes in language training, educational travel, academic degree programs, and cultural exchange We'll be teaching a series of design and computer science workshops to high school students from around the world during events in Amsterdam and Davos, Switzerland. During our workshops in

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Register for the conference here. NewTechKids is pleased to continue our long-term partnership with the Amsterdam Public Library and Maakplaats 021 by becoming a programming partner for its upcoming 'Brave New Learning' conference which takes place in February 2019. We'll be teaching a workshop for educators focused on creative ways to introduce digital technology education to primary school students. We'll share our pedagogical framework, teaching approaches and observations from teaching children, including girls, minorities and

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Super happy to announce our newest NewTechKids advisor: Phil Rynearson (aka Mr. Phil). Phil is a technology teacher in Early Childhood Education at the American School of The Hague in the Netherlands. He gained valuable experience as a classroom teacher for 17 years before devoting the last eight years to supporting students and teachers in finding authentic and empowering methods of integrating technology into school settings. He has worked in public schools in the United States

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NewTechKids is collaborating with the American School of the Hague (ASH) to introduce computer science, technological literacy and computational thinking to students in its primary school division. Working closely with a team of ASH teachers, NewTechKids will help the school map key learning objectives and provide teacher training focused on computer science theory, pedagogy, teaching approaches, classroom management and educational tool selection. We will also assist teachers with the development of new lessons, some focused

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NewTechKids hosted a teacher training workshop on June 6th, 2017 as part of the 'Learning Fair' event organised by Projectenbureau Primair Onderwijs Zuidoost (PPOZO). Projectenbureau Primair Onderwijs Zuidoost (PPOZO) is the organization which coordinates after-school activities for primary schLearnool students in Amsterdam Southeast, one of the city's most economically-disadvantaged communities. It works with 10 school boards representing 29 schools in the area and 7017 students. Scrum: an important teaching tool to help students develop 21st century skills Scrum

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In our quest to introduce computer science and technological literacy education in primary school, we often hear the same excuse as to why this is difficult to impossible: teachers already have enough on their plate. Introducing a new subject will overwhelm them, causing their overall teaching to decline in quality. So many countries find themselves in the same position: we know that we need to prepare children to function in a world filled with technology

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We hear a lot of reasons why parents register their children for our computer science bootcamps. These range from: - my kid knows how to use a computer and smartphone but they should learn how technology works - my kid wants to learn to code - I want to boost my kids’ academic performance - I work in technology and I realise the importance of having some exposure to computer science - I need a way

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