NewTechKids is pleased to announce that we have established a new 21st Century Skills Club at Nelson Mandela School in Amsterdam East. We're teaching computer science to kids in the school's AMOS UnIQ program for gifted children for the 2016-2017 school year. Our Club will cover computational thinking, algorithmic thinking, programming, systems thinking and technological literacy. We look forward to exposing kids to a new way of thinking that they can use to understand how and why technology works and to start

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NewTechKids is on a mission to bring technology education to all children, including those who belong to families with low incomes who would not normally receive it. Kids with potential are everywhere and our goal is to find and nurture them. In September 2016, we will teach pilot programs developed by Stichting NewTechKids which establishes new computer science clubs for primary school aged students in two of Amsterdam's most economically disadvantaged neighbourhoods: Amsterdam South East and

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In September 2016, NewTechKids will begin teaching a new, after-school club format called the 21st Century Skills Club. Two Clubs will launch in Amsterdam South East and Amsterdam New West. The format was developed by Stichting NewTechKids, a non-profit foundation which develops, tests and improves computer science curriculum, lessons and teaching materials and trains primary school teachers. NewTechKids is teaching the Clubs on behalf of Stichting NewTechKids. The Club will feature weekly, three-hour lessons. During the Club, primary school-aged children will

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Wil je leerlingen wegwijs maken in de wereld van coderen, algoritmes en commando’s? Leer het in deze workshop. Daag leerlingen uit om laptops uit elkaar weer in elkaar zitten. Verander ze in robots, of stuur ze op een te gekke speurtocht over hoe computers data en informatie verwerken. Inhoud van de training De onderwerpen die aan bod komen zijn onder andere coderen, basiskennis informatie algoritmisch en berekenend denken, hardware- en systeemdenken. Maar ook informaticapedagogiek, onderwijsmethoden

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NewTechKids is super happy to announce that Linda Liukas, author of the wildly-popular coding book for children called 'Hello Ruby', has joined our advisory board. Linda is a Finnish computer programmer, children’s book writer and programming instructor. In 2014, 'Hello Ruby' raised $380,000 on Kickstarter, becoming the platform’s most highly- funded children’s book. Her book is the world’s most whimsical way to learn about technology, computing and coding. Linda co-founded Rails Girls, a site designed to help women learn basic

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NewTechKids believes that it's important to find new ways to teach computer science which bring out the creativity in children. That's why we love to integrate arts education into our computer science programs. We were super thrilled to teach two teacher training workshops today as part of the cultural education event organised by MOCCA, an education advisory organization based in Amsterdam. During the workshops held at Theater Meervaart, we taught our 'Intro to Coding and Computational Thinking'

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Today was a historic day for computer science education and a huge validation for NewTechKids. President Obama announced the 'Computer Science for All' initiative which will bring computer science education to all students in America, beginning in primary school. President Obama is calling for US$4 billion to be allocated in the 2017 budget to Congress to significantly increase the teaching of computer science, namely by developing teaching materials, providing teacher training and building effective regional partnerships. The initiative places

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NewTechKids is proud to share our report of the EU Code Week 2015 teacher training pilot program we organised in September and October 2015. We partnered with TomTom, the Dutch technology company, to launch a pilot program aimed at creating a scaling model for technology education in primary schools. Specifically, this model engaged both primary school teachers and students around computational thinking and coding. NewTechKids trained 75 primary school teachers from schools in Amsterdam and

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(Image from"Keith Haring: The Political line" exhibition at Kunsthal Rotterdam) This week, I stepped on stage and gave a presentation which required more out-of-the-box thinking than I've had to do in a while. I was invited by the Rijksmuseum to give a talk at the Hands On! Conference organised by the International Association of Children in Museums. More than 350 participants from museums around the world converged in Amsterdam to learn about the latest trends and see firsthand how innovative museums

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Tijdens de EU Code Week (10 t/m 18 okt) geven 75 basisschoolleraren de programmeerles van NewTechKids aan hun leerlingen. NewTechKids is een onderwijsinstituut in Amsterdam dat kinderen van 4 tot 12 jaar leert over technologie en heeft daarnaast het programma ‘Intro in Coderen’ ontwikkeld voor basisschooldocenten. Tijdens EU Code Week laten de leerkrachten de leerlingen spelenderwijs kennis maken met aspecten als coderen, ontwerp, commando’s, algoritmes en automatisering. Zo ontwerpen de kinderen van kartonnen dozen robothoofden

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