NewTechKids is happy to support the Code voor Kinderrechten (Code for Children’s Rights) which is being developed in the Netherlands.

The Code consists of ten principles with practical examples to help designers and developers guarantee children’s fundamental rights when creating digital products and services.

Commissioned by the Dutch Ministry of the Interior and Kingdom Relations of the Netherlands, Waag and Leiden University drew up the Code together with young people, designers, developers and other experts.

Deborah Carter, our Founder and Managing Director, was interviewed for her thoughts on how to prepare kids for pervasive technology and how to make the Code relevant for kids and their parents, caregivers and teachers.

According to Deborah, the Code is a great teaching resource. “NewTechKids is going make kids aware that it exists, why it was created and what it says. It’s a great way to talk about the fact that technology companies are accountable. Even to children, they are accountable. This code is a rallying cry for kids as well as educators, parents and caregivers. It was developed to guide the invention and deployment of technology and not as a reaction to existing technology.”

Cover photo by Jessica Lynn Lewis from Pexels