This summer, NewTechKids collaborated with the Amsterdam Public Library and Maakplaats021 to make our summer camps accessible to children from low-income families. As part of the City of Amsterdam's Midzomer Mokum event series, we taught a series of six, weekly tech bootcamps for kids ages 8-12. With funding from the Library, we offered heavily-subsidized places to kids with a Stadspas, a card which helps people with low incomes or on state pensions access arts, culture and

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The COVID-19 pandemic stressed the central role that parents and caregivers play in the education of children. Virtual homeschooling forced these adults into the roles of informal teachers and task masters. The rapid transformation of education (pedagogies, subject matter, teaching environments, technology, etc.) means that the formal school system is largely outdated and struggling to align itself with 21st century reality. No more so than preparing kids and teens for a world of constant technological

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Deborah Carter, NewTechKids' Founder and Managing Director, will be MCing sessions at CogX, a global festival on AI & Transformational Technology taking place next week (June 14-16). A hybrid festival physically taking place in London and online, the Festival bills itself as "the world’s largest gathering of CEOs, Entrepreneurs, Academics, Artists, Activists & Policy Makers working to realise the biggest transformational opportunities of our time and address the challenges along the way".  Register for a free

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NewTechKids is featured in a recently-published guide to teaching students about the ethics of technology. The book, "Ethics in A Digital World: Guiding Students Through Society's Biggest Questions", was written by Kristen Mattson and published by the International Society for Technology in Education (ISTE). We contributed a case study describing how we integrate critical thinking about technology in our curriclulum. Specifically, we co-developed a six-lesson curriculum module for students ages 8-12 called "Thinking about the

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A big 'thank you' to Tessa Wernink and Impossible for featuring Deborah Carter, NewTechKids' Founder and Managing Director, on the 'What If We Get It Right?' podcast series. Listen to the podcast. Deborah spoke about her six years of experiencing leading NewTechKids and her ideas on a new way forward in terms of preparing kids for a future of constant and pervasive technological development. One of these ideas led her to hep launch PreparationTech, an online

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Luckily, there are 'many roads to Rome' when it comes to teaching kids about technology and helping them acquire tech knowledge and skills. This was the theme of the recent panel at the Women in Tech Regatta Amsterdam virtual event on Wednesday, December 9th: 'The Many Flavours of Technology Education (and School is Only One of Them!)'. Watch the panel here. Deborah Carter, NewTechKids' Founder and Managing Director, developed and moderated the panel and brought

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Preparation is Power! Especially for parents and caregivers, teachers and school guidance counselors helping guide kids in their study and career paths. NewTechKids is pleased to announce that we are supporting PreparationTech, a new online video platform which explores how technology is transforming study, training and work in every industry, field and discipline. (Deborah Carter, our founder, is the Managing Director of this non-profit foundation.) It showcases the personal stories of a diverse and inclusive group

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How do you prepare kids and adults for our world of constant and rapid technological innovation? What education, training and exposure to technology do they need to survive and thrive? Deborah Carter, NewTechKids' Founder, will be moderating a panel discussion on this topic during the Women in Tech Regatta Amsterdam virtual event on December 9, 2020. The panel will explore the many different ways that kids can learn about technology, from formal schooling to storytelling,

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Like computer science and programming, math is a polarizing subject. People either like it or they don't. At least that's what most people think. Thankfully, people like Dr. Jo Boaler, a professor of Mathematics Education at Stanford University, is busy challenging kids and teachers who don't like math to view it differently. Jo and her team at YouCubed, a non-profit startup, are busy transforming math education by developing new math teaching methods, lessons and teaching resources

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Encouraging kids to participate in challenges and competitions is an important part of tech innovation education. Code Games is an initiative whereby kids ages 10-18 around the world are invited to enter a global competition to design and develop original video games. The competition is organized into two age divisions: a Junior Division for entrants ages 10-13 and a Senior Division for entrants ages 14-18. Entries in the Junior Division are not in competition with

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