NewTechKids teachers recently had a wake up call when we gave primary school students ages 8 and 9 MacBooks instead of tablets to use for a class which involved connecting a mini computer to a laptop. This is not the first time we were surprised by how primary school students in this age bracket struggle with the transition from tablets to laptops and computers. Tablets are a great device and very appropriate for younger students.

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This past week, NewTechKids taught a class about interactivity. Students created interactive systems using the Makey Makey learning tool. This meant that the students had Internet access and had to navigate to Makey Makey's Web site to access the coding apps. Unfortunately, one student figured out a way to play games without coding the Makey Makey microcomputer. We observed a physical shift in him during which he went from being immersed in the Makey Makey

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On July 4, 2023, something momentous happened in the Netherlands. The Dutch Minister of Education Robbert Dijkgraaf issued an urgent guideline calling for the banning of all mobile telephones from Dutch high schools as of January 2024. It's just a guideline and not enforceable but it's a big deal that the Dutch government has taken this step. Individual high schools are expected to develop their own specific terms related to the ban based on input from

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