Join Deborah Carter, NewTechKids' Co-founder, and Kitty Leering, one of NewTechKids' advisors, for a discussion of two important books: Carol Dweck's "Mindset: The New Psychology of Success" and Aldous Huxley's "Brave New World". Deborah will discuss the power of one's mindset, especially if it's a growth mindset. She'll discuss mindset in the context of NewTechKids technology education programs for primary school children and teacher training programs. The event is free. We'd love to hear your ideas

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NewTechKids is thrilled to announce that Deborah Carter, its co-founder, will speak at the TEDxAmsterdamED event on March 26th at the new Theater Amsterdam. Under the theme "The Education (r)evolution", the event will examine the central issue: "Is revolution needed for education to evolve, or is the future of education already within reach? From the tiny shifts that make a huge difference to the ground-breaking movements shaking the system. We will explore The Education (r)evolution and the balancing

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