The great thing about technology and programming education is that it is a relatively new field and ripe for innovation and experimentation. So that’s exactly what NewTechKids did last Thursday when we organized a brainstorming session at Google’s Amsterdam headquarters. We brought together a group of Dutch and international teachers, teacher trainers, curriculum experts, designers, developers, and technology professionals dedicated to expanding technology and programming education in schools. Joe Fletcher, Creative Director at frog design

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One of the nice things about launching a technology and programming academy is asking for input from different kinds of professionals. In NewTechKids' case, we organised a brainstorm session last week which brought together teachers,  international education experts, designers, programmers, city government policy makers, branding specialists, event curators and executives working for technology companies. Our goal: sharing information and ideas on how to get kids and their parents excited about technology and programming education. Here are some of the ideas we shared.

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Deborah Carter, NewTechKids' Co-Founder and Business Director, gave a TED talk at TEDxAmsterdamED in March. Her main point: technology and programming education should start in primary school (aged 4-12 years) in order to give kids 21st century skills (problem-solving, critical thinking, creativity, collaboration) and prepare them for a future full of technology. The world needs thinkers and

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It's a wrap. Last Thursday, I gave my TED talk at the fantastic TEDxAmsterdamED event. This one day conference was dedicated to the theme, 'The Education (R)evolution', and asked the question 'Is revolution needed for education to evolve, or is the future of education already within reach?' My talk focused on providing primary school-aged children (4-12 years) with technology and programming education as a way to help them develop higher order (21st century) skills such as problem-solving, critical

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Last week, NewTechKids' co-founders attended the OECD Teaching and Learning International Survey (TALIS) Conference in Haarlem, the Netherlands. Hosted by the Dutch Ministry of Education, Culture and Science, the conference brought together Dutch and international teachers, school leaders, researchers, policy makers and government representatives. They shared the results of TALIS (a large-scale international survey involving 33 countries) and discussed new strategies for improving the professional development of teachers and the learning environments in schools. The

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Nine out of 10 times, TechKids' workshops are amazing. Tuesday's workshop was not one of them. The workshop began with a recap discussion of the main parts of a computer and how they work together. The children had no problem recalling this info from the previous week. Our teacher then introduced them to Raspberry Pi computers, clarifying that no, they were not edible. The kids assembled DIY computer kits and plugged them into computer screens to complete some programming

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We get by with a little help from our friends. Yesterday, NewTechKids took possession of a shipment of Raspberry Pi units, donated and shipped by the good folks at Car-San Manufacturing Limited, a company based in Kitchener, Ontario in Canada. Sandra French Martens, Sales Manager at the company and a high school chum of one of NewTechKids' founders, follows us on social media and made the offer. "As a woman in technology, I really like to see anything that

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NewTechKids is thrilled to announce that Deborah Carter, its co-founder, will speak at the TEDxAmsterdamED event on March 26th at the new Theater Amsterdam. Under the theme "The Education (r)evolution", the event will examine the central issue: "Is revolution needed for education to evolve, or is the future of education already within reach? From the tiny shifts that make a huge difference to the ground-breaking movements shaking the system. We will explore The Education (r)evolution and the balancing

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Last week, NewTechKids headed to London for BETT 2015. BETT is the world's largest education technology event and going there gave us the chance to see the latest in edtech, meet with the companies behind some of the teaching tools we use in our programs, and identify trends and new thinking. Here are a few of our observations. Keep Your Eye on the UK A big shout-out to the UK Department for Education and the

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NewTechKids chose the question 'What is a computer?' to kick off our 'Intro to Programming' Bootcamp yesterday. We started the first workshop by knocking our group of 7-9 year olds out of their comfort zone and challenging their belief that computers are just a screen, keypad and circuit board. They discovered that computers are all around us: traffic lights, turnstiles in the subway (metro), home heating systems and other things in everyday life. We then introduced them to concept of

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