One of the nice things about launching a technology and programming academy is asking for input from different kinds of professionals. In NewTechKids' case, we organised a brainstorm session last week which brought together teachers, international education experts, designers, programmers, city government policy makers, branding specialists, event curators and executives working for technology companies. Our goal: sharing information and ideas on how to get kids and their parents excited about technology and programming education. Here are some of the ideas we shared.
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21 apr 2015
16 apr 2015
Deborah Carter, NewTechKids' Co-Founder and Business Director, gave a TED talk at TEDxAmsterdamED in March. Her main point: technology and programming education should start in primary school (aged 4-12 years) in order to give kids 21st century skills (problem-solving, critical thinking, creativity, collaboration) and prepare them for a future full of technology. The world needs thinkers and
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