2020 Voorjaarsvakantie Bootcamp: 8-12 Years (Feb. 17-21, 2020)

(Taught in a combination of Dutch and English.)

NewTechKids and Maakplaats 021, the Maker education division of the Amsterdam Public Library, are partnering to teach this week-long bootcamp which combines computer science, programming and maker education.

Under the theme “Lost in Space”, kids ages 8-12 will learn how to design, build and program robots and tech prototypes to survive on Mars. They’ll work in pairs or small teams to complete a series of programming and robotics challenges in the morning and hands-on, digital fabrication activities in the afternoon.

Morning: kids will discuss examples of technology before learning about computer science concepts such as programming, algorithms, commands, loops, sequence, design and if-else logic. They’ll design, build and program robots and technology prototypes in small teams using tools such as LEGO WeDo and LEGO Mindstorms.

Afternoon: kids will get hands-on experience with digital fabrication by getting hands-on experience with Computer Assisted Design (CAD) software and experimenting with 3D printing, etching, and laser and vinyl cutting.

Our bootcamp will be an ideal environment for kids to invent, experiment, express their creativity and improve their collaboration skills in a fun and safe learning environment.

Workshops will take place everyday from 10:00 – 16:00 on the following dates:

  • February 17, 18, 19, 20 and 21, 2020

The bootcamp will be taught in a combination of English and Dutch by a professional teacher and experienced digital fabrication instructors with specialized training.

Our bootcamp is ideal for children with no previous exposure to computer science and maker education and those who have previously participated in NewTechKids programs. Children who successfully complete the bootcamp will receive a certificate of achievement.

Children are required to bring their own lunches each day. Drinks and snacks will be provided in the morning and afternoon. Each day, there will breaks for exercise and movement, outdoors weather permitting.

Location: Junior Lab (basement), Openbare Bibliotheek Amsterdam (OBA)/Amsterdam Public Library, Oosterdokskade 143, Amsterdam (7-minute walk from Amsterdam Centraal Station)

Price: 328.38 euro (includes online registration fee and BTW)