Next week, NewTechKids will be hosting a delegation of primary school students from Lagos, Nigeria in Amsterdam. We're hosting the bootcamp at Metis Montessori Lyceum Amsterdam, a high school with specialized coding and design/technology academic tracks. We'll be teaching a 1.5 day bootcamp during which we'll introduce them to programming in the context of automation and give them hands-on programming experience with a variety of physical computing and robotics tools. We interviewed Kemi Soetan, Skyways

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We’re just back from our third, inspiring round of teaching in the United Arab Emirates. NewTechKids was invited to teach computer science workshops to children ages 8-12 during the 2019 Sharjah Children’s Reading Festival which took place from April 17-27, 2019. We scrapped all computers and technology devices to teach computer science concepts with pen and paper, art supplies and games. Teaching about technology with no technology is one of our favourite ways to teach:

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(Photo by NESA by Makers on Unsplash) On June 4th and 5th, NewTechKids will welcome a delegation of approximately 50 students from Lagos, Nigeria to Amsterdam. We'll be teaching a 1.5 day programming bootcamp for students ages 10 - 12, encouraging them to think critically about programming and robotics in the context of automation and to apply design and programming concepts in order to develop a series of tech prototypes. We're collaborating with Skyways Travels

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Next month, NewTechKids will head to the United Arab Emirates to teach a week-long series of computer science workshops for primary school students. We'll be teaching kids ages 4-12 during the 2019 Sharjah Children's Reading Festival, an annual mega-event dedicated to learning, reading and discovery. Themes will include algorithms and algorithmic thinking, computer and programming logic, and rapid prototyping and best practises in the field of technology design. Students will come from a mix of

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From February 9-12, 2019, Amsterdam will host one of the most exciting events focused on new approaches to learning and education. Hosted by the Openbare Bibliotheek Amsterdam (the Amsterdam Public Library) in partnership with the eLearning Industry Group (ELIG), the 'Brave New Learning' conference will bring together experts from around the world to tackle four main themes: 21st century skills, learning by making, learning communities and augmented learning. NewTechKids Workshop: 'How to Raise a Tech

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Ten days left until NewTechKids' 'How to Raise a Tech Innovator' evening class for parents on January 30th. The class takes place from 19:00 - 21:00 at the central branch of the Amsterdam Public Library. Register now! We thought we'd share some interesting findings from the registration information provided by parents who will attend the class. 100%: parents of boys (The fact that no parents of girls have signed up for the class is unfortunate.

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Register for the conference here. NewTechKids is pleased to continue our long-term partnership with the Amsterdam Public Library and Maakplaats 021 by becoming a programming partner for its upcoming 'Brave New Learning' conference which takes place in February 2019. We'll be teaching a workshop for educators focused on creative ways to introduce digital technology education to primary school students. We'll share our pedagogical framework, teaching approaches and observations from teaching children, including girls, minorities and

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For more than four years, NewTechKids has focused on teaching computer science bootcamps to children ages seven to 12. We're very proud to have been one of the first companies to focus on this age range in Amsterdam and in the Netherlands. But we're moving into a new era where we need to take active steps to influence and re-shape the technology industry we have. For us, this means taking a long, hard look at

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Register for the conference here. NewTechKids is pleased to continue our long-term partnership with the Amsterdam Public Library and Maakplaats 021 by becoming a programming partner for its upcoming 'Brave New Learning' conference which takes place in February 2019. We'll be teaching a workshop for educators focused on creative ways to introduce digital technology education to primary school students. We'll share our pedagogical framework, teaching approaches and observations from teaching children, including girls, minorities and

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Super happy to announce our newest NewTechKids advisor: Phil Rynearson (aka Mr. Phil). Phil is a technology teacher in Early Childhood Education at the American School of The Hague in the Netherlands. He gained valuable experience as a classroom teacher for 17 years before devoting the last eight years to supporting students and teachers in finding authentic and empowering methods of integrating technology into school settings. He has worked in public schools in the United States

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