Post by Deborah Carter, NewTechKids' Founder and Managing Director This summer, my son and I travelled to North America, in part to visit several university campuses and learn about programs which combine design, engineering and technology. We visited McGill University in Montreal, University of Toronto, University of Waterloo, Stanford University in Palo Alto, University of California, Berkeley and University of California, Los Angeles. It was a fascinating peak inside some highly-ranked universities in Canada and

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While many North Americans are familiar with the concept of 'summer school' for primary school students, it's a foreign concept for many Europeans. For many European, summer means no school: only vacation, relaxation, time with family, and recreational activities for children. We're not arguing for or against summer school. Different strokes for different folks. But we'd like to present it in the context of continuous learning and the computer science summer school programs we'll be

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