With every second news headline mentioning AI, ChatGPT, etc., NewTechKids has decided to launch our first 'Intro to Generative AI' after-school bootcamp for kids ages 9-14. The bootcamp of four weekly sessions will take place on Thursday afternoons from 16:30 - 18:00 at the Amsterdam Public Library near Centraal Station, starting on June 29th. Some schools have adopted a strict 'no ChatGPT' ban. Others are experimenting with restricted usage and creating new learning experiences which
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Being able to think deeply and critically about technology and its implications is becoming as important as understanding computer science and knowing how to code. This is because the technology we currently have is directly related to the perspectives, values and even biases of the technologists who create it. To help kids develop critical thinking skills, NewTechKids is developing new lessons and teaching resources which help primary school-aged kids explore the ethics of technology. Our
Read moreOn Wednesday, October 30, 2019, Deborah Carter, NewTechKids' Founder, will speak at the WiT (Women in Tech) Regatta in Amsterdam. She'll be participating in a panel discussion on the theme "Busting the Myth: Why Girls Don't Participate in STEM and How to Cruise Ahead". The panel will explore if it's true that girls are less interested in technology and pursuing technology-related studies and if so, what can be done to change this. She'll draw on
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