We hear a lot of reasons why parents register their children for our computer science bootcamps. These range from: - my kid knows how to use a computer and smartphone but they should learn how technology works - my kid wants to learn to code - I want to boost my kids’ academic performance - I work in technology and I realise the importance of having some exposure to computer science - I need a way

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Tijdens de EU Code Week (10 t/m 18 okt) geven 75 basisschoolleraren de programmeerles van NewTechKids aan hun leerlingen. NewTechKids is een onderwijsinstituut in Amsterdam dat kinderen van 4 tot 12 jaar leert over technologie en heeft daarnaast het programma ‘Intro in Coderen’ ontwikkeld voor basisschooldocenten. Tijdens EU Code Week laten de leerkrachten de leerlingen spelenderwijs kennis maken met aspecten als coderen, ontwerp, commando’s, algoritmes en automatisering. Zo ontwerpen de kinderen van kartonnen dozen robothoofden

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Parents are often shocked when we tell them that during our programs, we teach core technology, programming and computer science concepts through pen and paper exercises, role-play games, and design and prototyping activities using simple materials such as cardboard boxes and blocks. Others wonder why, in an era of computers and gadgets, apps and programming languages made especially for kids, we teach many no tech lessons. We’ve developed our pedagogy and teaching approaches based on the

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NewTechKids is happy to announce an academic research partnership with Leiden University. Under the partnership, NewTechKids' programs will become a platform where quality control research will be conducted on our pedagogy, teaching approaches, curricula and lesson plans. Tessa Slim, a Master's of Education student at the University, will conduct the research to assess whether NewTechKids' technology, programming and computer science programs for primary school aged children help kids improve their higher order thinking and problem-solving

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