Primary schools are playing an increasingly important role in providing students with computer science and technological literacy education and computational thinking skills as part of a  solid 21st century skills and education strategy. NewTechKids has been visiting a variety of primary schools in the Netherlands and interviewing principals and teachers in advance of our latest teacher training program which begins on Wednesday, January 17, 2018. Here are some tips for parents which will help you

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NewTechKids is proud to share our report of the EU Code Week 2015 teacher training pilot program we organised in September and October 2015. We partnered with TomTom, the Dutch technology company, to launch a pilot program aimed at creating a scaling model for technology education in primary schools. Specifically, this model engaged both primary school teachers and students around computational thinking and coding. NewTechKids trained 75 primary school teachers from schools in Amsterdam and

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(Image from"Keith Haring: The Political line" exhibition at Kunsthal Rotterdam) This week, I stepped on stage and gave a presentation which required more out-of-the-box thinking than I've had to do in a while. I was invited by the Rijksmuseum to give a talk at the Hands On! Conference organised by the International Association of Children in Museums. More than 350 participants from museums around the world converged in Amsterdam to learn about the latest trends and see firsthand how innovative museums

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Tijdens de EU Code Week (10 t/m 18 okt) geven 75 basisschoolleraren de programmeerles van NewTechKids aan hun leerlingen. NewTechKids is een onderwijsinstituut in Amsterdam dat kinderen van 4 tot 12 jaar leert over technologie en heeft daarnaast het programma ‘Intro in Coderen’ ontwikkeld voor basisschooldocenten. Tijdens EU Code Week laten de leerkrachten de leerlingen spelenderwijs kennis maken met aspecten als coderen, ontwerp, commando’s, algoritmes en automatisering. Zo ontwerpen de kinderen van kartonnen dozen robothoofden

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NewTechKids achieved a major milestone last week. Over the course of five training sessions, we trained 75 primary school teachers in Amsterdam and Delft to teach our 'intro to coding' lesson to students aged 4-8 during EU Code Week 2015 (October 10-18). Our lesson doesn't focus on technical coding skills. Instead, we focus on exposing young kids to concepts such as coding, commands, algorithms and automation. It was so encouraging to see teachers from Dutch and international

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(Complete information in English.) Code Week is een Europees initiatief om kinderen en volwassenen programmeren en coderen te laten ontdekken. NewTechKids is een academie in Amsterdam die technologie-onderwijs biedt, gericht op het aanspreken van het probleemoplossend en innovatieve vermogen van kinderen. Gezamenlijk met TomTom, een nederlands technologiebedrijf, bieden wij basisschoolleerkrachten in Amsterdam training aan om een introductieles in coderen te kunnen geven aan kinderen in groep 1-4 (leeftijd 4-8) tijdens de EU Code Week: 10-18

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The great thing about technology and programming education is that it is a relatively new field and ripe for innovation and experimentation. So that’s exactly what NewTechKids did last Thursday when we organized a brainstorming session at Google’s Amsterdam headquarters. We brought together a group of Dutch and international teachers, teacher trainers, curriculum experts, designers, developers, and technology professionals dedicated to expanding technology and programming education in schools. Joe Fletcher, Creative Director at frog design

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